Bath time/head washing trauma | Autism PDD


Showers would be a total disaster, I don't even go there. As far as rinsing, I have the same problem. I use tickles and stay far enough above them they have to tilt their heads back. We play a game. Nikolas, where's your tummy? He already starts laughing. I tickle his tummy quickly tilt his head up talk to him the whole time and smile and swipe the hair with the wash cloth. Then I ask Andrew the same thing. We go over every ticklish place there is and eventually the soap is out and they don't even realize it. Distraction Distraction. I have noticed they don't have much problem getting their own hair wet or each others, but if I come any where near them with a cup they scream. Giving him as much control as you can might help.

Asking for kisses, what a great and sneaky way to get them to lean their heads back!

My son's sensory difficulties with bathing are water in the face, water in the ears (took me a long time to realize that one), the hissing sound of the shower, and gravitational insecurity, which makes it hard to lean back with eyes closed.  Even though shampooing is going better at our house, I always end up wet and stressed, so you have my sympathy.

Do you think one of those baby bath thermometers would help?  Some look like bath toys and have a signal light if the water is too hot.  I've never tried it myself, since our kids aren't picky about the water temp.

Here's my collection of online resources related to bathing difficulties/phobias. p;KW=bath%2Dtime

Good luck with everything!

1. Ali has this same issue...I just let her let me know when it is okay before she gets in. As long as it is not too hot or way too cold I let her pick whatever temp she wants.

2. Ali also hates showers and she said the water "hurts" and I have come to understand that the pressure is processed as pain by her I never do showers...not traditionally...if I am in a hurry, she stands holding on to me while I use my other hand to fill a bucket with soapy water then wash her with fresh water in the bucket.

3. I reassure Ali about this as she is like that sometimes. Could you find one that is easily removable and take it down each time? Or before you let him go in, put something over it to cover it up?

4. Ali hates it but tolerates the bucket being dumped an we have gotten her a foam visor that stops it from going into her eyes. Or I know they have dry soap.

Best of luck to you!!!

Story of my LIFE.  Totally.

1) I have found evening baths go better than mornings.  HUGE relief.

2) A FIRM scalp massage before he even gets in the  tub may help.

3) water temp in my daughter's case -- she could blister her skin with HOT, but can handle any cold at all.

4) can you cover the shower head and would he feel safer not seeing it?

If it makes you feel any better my DS was the same way. He actually loves the shower now but still will not get his head wet when swimming. He didnt over come this until he was 5 or 6. I know it was in Kindergarten.

We used a hat designed to keep water out of the eye/face. It was like a little visor. He didnt really like that but I told him it was either the hat or the risk of water on his face.  We covered the shower head with a washcloth.

I would definitely try and stop your husband from making him take a shower. It obviously bothers him so much.
I like the hiding the shower head idea. I really want this to be a fun time for him!

I do the same thing  with hair washing that i do with teeth brushing,  I count or sing songs while i'm washing my kids hair,  It really takes their mind off the sensation of me washing their heads,   also we count the cups of water we pour over their heads,  I do it kinda quick and just count each one.   Then we make a big deal about how many cups of water it took.     A good song to sing for these types of activities is..  This is the way we wash our hair.....wash our hair,  wash our hair,  so early in the morning..  The rythmic pattern really catches their attention.

i think coving the shower head is a great idea!!

I wouldn't force showers, (choose your battles)

I would definately get him involved in the bath process from start o finish.   Do your kids take a bath together??   would it help if your younger child got in the tub first so he could see its not hot???

  The only thing I can suggest is to give him what ever control you are willing to. Let him "help" you run the water. Keep a towel handy to cover up the showerhead. Maybe out of sight, out of mind will help? As far as rinsing his hair, is he willing to tip his head back and "help" pour the water to rinse his hair? Or maybe lay him on the counter with a towel under his head and wash his hair in the sink. Just trying to throw some ideas out there. I know giving my 6 yo some control, where I am willing to pick the battles, helps so much!

A    9/93 NT

B    9/00   NT

C    7/02   ASD


Oh boy I am with you here!  My kiddo hates to have his hair washed.  He also hated to have his hair brushed.  Which is why I now have it shaved down to a #2 every few weeks.  It is awful getting hair cuts, but it does make it easier to keep things clean!  He likes the shower much more then the bath lately, as the water running into the bath seems to be too loud.Okay, I need some input here, we have been going through this HUGE bath time struggle, and I'm just not quite sure what to do...

There are four issues, and by the end of what should be fun, I am totally stressed and just about ready to melt down right along with Korban.

1. Temperature!!! This is where the anxiety starts. He wants to feel the water temp over and over and over before getting in. It has to be lukewarm, which would be cold to most people for a bath, but any warmer and he cries hysterically in fear that it is too hot. It can't be too cold though, or he will refuse to sit down.

2. Showers...this is something that frustrates dh, but I just avoid it, choosing to pick my battles. He thinks the guys should just shower together, and I hear Korban panicking from the bathroom the whole time, not wanting to be under the running water. This, I am sure is a sensory/control issue, which is why I avoid it, but any input to make this process less stressful and more fun for both guys would be appreciated.

3. Shower head paranoia...Korban can't relax in the tub and play like other kids, because he just can't be distracted from staring at and talking nonstop about the shower head, repeating no shower please mommy in a shaky, scared voice, as if he is afraid it will come on at any second.

4. Hair washing, HATES IT! I know it is a necessary evil for cleanliness purposes, but he doesn't want water dumped on his hair, my best solution is that I have shaved his head, and wash it with a rag, asking for kisses over and over to keep his head back.

STRESS!! Any suggestions/insight would be appreciated to make this a more enjoyable time for everyone.

Oh, and if anyone tries to come in the bathroom during his bath, he screams for them to get out now!!!
Foam visor...that is a brilliant idea...I found one at!

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the input!

