Voice modulation resources | Autism PDD
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Voice modulation resources

My God, this was a HUGE issue with me when I was younger, always eather talked to much or talked to loudly, too bad this kind of material wasnt around when I was a kid, I looked thru it and its good stuff definatly!Thanks for the tip, teacher!!!  That website had 3 visuals for volume control, and lots of other good stuff.  I'm also adding that website to my collection of sites for free PECs.

thanks norwaymom for the sites

another good site for volume controlling example is


it is such agood site with many good visuals that i personally use with the autistic children in my school

enjoy the visuals

Here are some resources I've found on teaching kids with autism better control of their voice.


http://www.speakingofspeech.com/uploads/voicecontrol.pdf - scale  showing a range from "just right" (thumbs up) to too loud (hands over the ears).

http://www.setbc.org/pictureset/resource.aspx?id=71 - voice meter visual, with normal voice (green light), quiet voice (yellow light), and stop talking (red light).

http://elearning.autism.net/visuals/main.php?g2_itemId=74 - voice meter visual, with mouse, lamb and lion illustrations.

http://elearning.autism.net/visuals/main.php?g2_itemId=37 - basic voice meter (thanks for the tip, teacher).


http://www.autism-pdd.net/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=19933&am p;am p;am p;am p;am p;KW=voice+modulation - ABA/RDI exercise posted by Donny's Mom

http://elearning.autism.net/visuals/main.php?g2_itemId=135 - voice meter activity for deciding what volume is appropriate for different settings, such as church.

Social stories:

www.kansasasd.com/KSASD/Handouts_files/Advanced%20Social%20Skills%20Handout.pdf - Carol Gray's volume story on page 39. 

http://www.speakingofspeech.com/uploads/Quiet_Mouth_SocialSt ory.pdf - social story about having a quiet mouth at school.

Using the Incredible Five Point Scale:

Here's an example on voice modulation from the book the "Incredible 5 Point Scale" by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis (a paraphrase, not an excerpt):

They had an ASD/Asperger's kid that was screaming in class all day. They created a 5-point scale where '1' was no speech, '2' was a whispered voice, '3' was appropriate voice, '4' was a loud/playground voice and '5' was screaming. Then the classroom and building staff each had a copy of the scale on the back of their security tags and when they heard the student using inappropriate volume, they would point to the desired number on the scale. They also did a social story; the two techniques eventually helped the student figure out and use the correct volume. 

You can read about it and see the social story using the "Look inside the book" function at Amazon:

http://www.amazon.com/Incredible-Assisting-Understanding-Int eractions-Controlling/dp/1931282528/ref=si3_rdr_bb_product

You don't need to buy the book to do a 5 point scale.  Just create a table with 5 rows in Word, and add numbers and cartoons/photos to depict the various tones of voice.

www.kansasasd.com/KSASD/Handouts_files/Advanced%20Social%20Skills%20Handout.pdf - more 5 point scale tools for voice modulation, starting on page 59 


http://www.modelmekids.com/socialskills.htm - New Model Me Kids DVD with a section on voice modulation.

Any other resources?

NorwayMom39808.4168171296Thanks to both of you.

Last night we were reading one of the many pictures books in our collection, and it occured to me that it would be a perfect book for working on voice modulation.  It's called One Day in the Jungle, a Giggle Club book by Colin West.

The text is very simple:  "One day in the jungle there was a little sneeze.  Achoo! Bless you, Butterfly! said Lizard.  Next day in the jungle there was a note-quite-so-little sneeze.  Achoo!  Bless you, Lizard, said Parrot."  And so it continues with bigger and bigger sneezes until the elephant sneezes and blows the whole jungle away.  Younger kids will often laugh out loud during the book.

Here's the link to the book on Amazon.  Only used copies are available now, at $5.99 and up.

http://www.amazon.com/One-Day-Jungle-Giggle-Club/dp/15640298 75/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1217166084&sr= 8-1



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