Baby Einstein causes ASD | Autism PDD


That is ridiculous!  My son did like the baby einstein videos but I find it hard to believe that any video can cause autism.   It makes me mad that any time or money is even wasted studying such junk.  No wonder they can't find the real cause.


All in good Fun.    My little guy watched the Wiggles so often that I truly thought that he would have an Austrailian accent when ever he started to talk. That took so long that I wouldn't have cared if he asked to "Drive the Big Red Car" as his first words.


In you Aussie blokes case IT's THE Dreaded WIGGLES!


"What u say bout my Wiggles?"

Well maybe it was Greg, and he's quit due to a non life threatening illness, so perhaps theres still hope for kids of the future

Uh, oh... I didn't think about the WIGGLES.  In that case, I better warn my niece to STOP letting her 3 year old watch them!


Most ASD kids perseverate on some kind of TV, DVDs, Videos, or Computer Games...Even if you keep your kids from these things, I'll bet they'll pick something up somehow and latch onto it eventually...

I am soooo glad that others here agree that the idea of Baby Einstein videos in and of themselves causing autism is ridiculous!

Totally ridiculous. mp;a mp;tsn=1&tid=3165&webtag=bcus1143871

I am !MommaMia! on that board.
LovingLiam39087.7270486111Sharlet has never seen it either  Ha Ha, Next they will say it's from mum watching Days of our Lives while pregnant well id like to know how theyd explain kylos autism, hes never seen the

Ds never watched Baby Einstein and really never watched TV until he was well past 2. In fact, he didn't regularly watch any shows until the last year. We were given a Baby Einstein DVD for dd and I returned it. Now, Little Einsteins is another story - until 4 weeks ago that was a HUGE fave at our house.

The only time I remember him responding to the TV as a baby was when the "Seventh Heaven" theme song came on. They had a lot of reruns of that on and I would often watch it while nursing him and I would sing the theme song to him frequently. So, when it came on the TV, his little head would whip around (even when he was nursing - ouch!) when it came on the tv - and this was when he was only 3 months old. We didn't mind that he didn't seem to be interested in tv - although now I look back on it and find it strange. My dd was very interested at an early age and we would turn on a football game if she was getting fussy as she would be riveted to that - and it had to be football too!

next they will be saying that my losing weight when pregnant caused savannah's issues...THE FALSE CLAIMS ARE REDICULOUS. I STILL BELIEVE THE METALS PLAY A PART. My fil says he saw a show with a dr. who said asd happens in the developmental changes during pregnancey. Daniel's mom, BRENT NOT LIVING HEAR ANYMORE.  I've said it before... We didn't even have a TV until Aiden was like 2 1/2.  Maybe it was all of the time I spent playing and singing with him that caused him to have AS.  Too much stimulation.    Some people will worry about ANYTHING causing autism.

A bit ridiculous in my opinion.  Now with that being said yes I do believe I let my first ds watch to much tv.  However, I don't think it caused him to be autistic.  I think he liked to watch tv because he was autistic and really most kid's shows, Dora, Blue's Clues, Einstein whatever are very repetative in nature.  My second ds who I stupidly tried to get to watch tv also doesn't want a thing to do with it.  he will watch for like 5 minutes and that is it then he is bored.  Silly stuff if Einstein videos cause ASD then what about all the kids who had an ASD before the videos, before vcrs when there was only cartoons on saturday. 

I also think this is just another way for the general population of the world to blame the parents.  People don't understand ASD's very well unless they know someone affected.  Someone who is high functioning like ds to many people would come across as a child that was poorly disciplined.  I didn't cause my son to have an ASD by any direct sense of the word.  My sitting him in front of the tv didn't do this to him.  Now do I think I could have caused it........sure I could have through a little thing called genes and unfortunately we all have them. 

Yeah, kind of silly.  Thing is, my ASD girls were enthralled by baby einstein videos and actually perseverated on some of the characters (The Messy Messy Goat!).

I don't think they harmed the girls directly, of course, but I also know that DW would sit the kids in front of the damn things for hours during the day (as a survival strategy, if you can imagine the stress level in a house with autistic 1-2 year old twins and a needy 3-4 year old!), and that time, of course, could have been MUCH better spent.  It was survival mode back then, though, and these videos were one of the only things that allowed us to catch a break from the constant screaming.

So, if there is a link, it is because videos like these tend to hold some ASD kids enthralled, giving their parent's some much needed respite, and if that goes on for too long, then yeah, the kids will suffer for it.

We do not allow the videos in our house anymore.  We do let them watch movies, still, but we usually limit it to a couple of hours total, per day, which is probably still too much, but we need breaks sometimes, and they're just little kids, after all.
