Hello, we are beginning to think that we may need to find a helmet for our son, who is a vicious head banger. He has caused bruising and bumps on his head from banging it so hard. We are afraid that he is going to cause serious damage if we don't do something to protect him. So, I was wondering what type of helmet we should look for and also where we might find it. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
ds-13, ds-10, dd-8, dd-7, dd-5(on Thursday), ds-3.8(autism), twin dds-2(on April 1)
My daughter did this. I just got a regular bike helmet and whenever she started banging her head -- on with the helmet. She eventually stopped. I had one upstairs, downstairs and in the car. If anyone said anything I said she just like wearing it.http://www.helmets.org/special.htm
check out this website it offers a lot of advice
im curious what your sons ot thinks? i always find them so much more helpful in those situations then the behavioralists. my son did this constantly. and still sometimes, especially if he hits his head by accident hell keep doing it for the input. removing certain foods made huge improvements, namely dairy. (but understand thats only if the child is allergic or intolerant.) i also keep a small colorful pillow he loves and when he wants to bang i break out the pillow and have him head hit it while i hold it.........but thats only when he is determined to head things. i find sitting in the hallway, allowing him to run fast at me or other family and bang in to us to do a 'bear hug' provides alot of input that he was getting from head hitting. we also let him crash into all the sofa cushions......they wont hurt his head. we pile them up. some kids like bean bags. it took over a year but we were able to cut head hitting by over 80% with deep pressure and vestibular activities. its a matter of findng out what is calming to him. sometimes its something thats aggressive. also, my ot has told me many children benefit for a deep pressure sensory vest. they sell them at bright-start.com for about 50-60 depending on size. a few mothers there swear by it and it seems to 'center' the children. they actually want to wear it.
hope this helps.
A soft martial arts helmet would probably be ideal, the children I've worked with who are headbangers have all worn these...here are a few links:
http://www.karatekorner.com/index.cfm/action/productdetail/p roductID/9891.htm (this is the type that most of my kids have used)
http://www.karatekorner.com/index.cfm/action/displayProducts /level/2|13|11.htm
(this has a whide assortment of headgear)
http://www.karatekorner.com/index.cfm/action/productdetail/p roductID/10219.htm
(this type is particualry nice if you're worried about their faces--one of my guys who was particularly vicious had one of these)
I wish you luck with this!
Thank you, Thank you!!! My son head bangs SOOO bad! I was just looking for these online tonight and was getting so frustrated! Thanks for the info! Brandy
If you google on danmar products you can go to their website. It is specifically designed for children and adults with head injuring issues. Be very careful of using a bike helmet (can crack and may not safely protect all areas of the head) and using a martial arts helmet can do the same thing....because a helmet needs to protect certain areas and the danmar ones do. They will help you with fitting and I have always gotten the school districts to pay for them for my students.....if you have documentation of the behavior they are pretty good about getting. Also to get these helmets you have to have specific measurements that a generic bike helmet or martial arts helmet wouldn't have.