I have been told by speech therapists and by special ed teachers including those focusing on autism that you should use whatever works best for your child, but be consistent.
I agree with what the others said about generalization, but just wanted to add that PECS are not immune to marketing ploys that make them seem better than any other solution.
The following website has lots of sets of visuals available free, and I'm sure there are other free sources out there, too.
http://www.setbc.org/setbc/communication/frame_pictureset.ht ml
Good luck with everything.
The PECS system CAN be used with photographs, especially with children who don't yet "get" symbolism. The purpose of PECS is to teach a child what language is for by giving him a form to express his wants and needs BEFORE he forms language. In some children, using actual photos have to be a first step. But the reason you want to eventually go to ICONS is that they are symbols. Universally understood. They don't change from situation to situation. Language is symbolic. Words don't change. Everyone uses the same words. That idea can be conveyed best using universal pictures like we use universal words. Written language is symbolic, too, so ICONS can form the basis of understanding that symbols = things/ideas. If you have to start with photos, so be it. But use the SAME photos to symbolize the SAME thing and make them as generic as possible. For example, use a photo of a generic looking cookie, not the brand name box.
The generalization is exactly why the PECS system icons are better (I should say, IMHO).
If you show a picture of a cup for drink then the child may want THAT cup every time. A picture of a specific store...same thing.
We are going to start using two different pictures (and probably use photos) for when he goes to "pre-school" for his structured classes and interventions and another for when we go to daycare, but we want himto know specifically where he is going in that instance.
Also, when we first started using the systm it was incredibly helpful (and would probably still be so), but we have reached a point where we have not needed it for a while.
i was advised that in this day and age of technology that real pics. were more usefulWhat she said
I think once he makes the conncection that they are real photos - he will do better with them
I took a print out of "Little Einsteins" once and he would keep giving it to me to get me to turn on the show so I thought photos would work really well but have not worked so far
I honestly dont know why PECS are better than real pictures - the only thing I can think of is maybe they can generalize them at school - like have the same PECS for all the kids
I, too, would recommend seeing which kind of pic your child responds to. I put together a set of photo - pic's for my son and was surprised that he didn't "get it". Then I showed him some PECS vrs photos and asked which pic is "banana?": which pic is "running shoes?" He picked a PEC everytime. And, unlike Sarah, Sam loves cartoony pics and anything with a sense of hummour.
I get most of my PECS googling images, and from the clipart disk that comes with MS Publisher. I whip up most of my visuals with this program.
Another thing to keep in mind is the font you use to label your PECS. Comic Sans font has "a's" like printed ones.
Mama to Sam,8, PDD-NOS, OCD,ODD,PPD, Alex,2yrs.