I'm really sensitive about the way my shoes and socks have to fit and feel too. I rarely wear closed toed shoes. My 5yo dd is very picky about her socks and the way the seam goes across the top and I have to get it just right. I was going to search for some seamless socks.
I just posted a very long thread about Mason already struggling at school...well his spec. ed teacher just called and said that all afternoon Mason has been pulling his socks and shoes off.
So I'm wondering if one of his problems isn't this...he absolutely hates wearing socks and shoes...we have a "ritual" where I put his socks and shoes on and says they feel wrong, pulls them off and I start over...we go through this like 10 times before he finally feels comfortable enough to leave them on.
I buy socks that a little too small for him because if they bunch up inside the shoe AT ALL he rips them off. I also go on a hunt for the "perfect" shoe...it needs to be loose enough for him to comfortably get them on his feet, but tight enough not to allow for too much wiggle room, does that make sense, lol?
Do any of you go through this? Is there anything I can be doing to "desensitize" his feet? Do any of you know if they make socks that don't have seams by the toe...I know with Mason if that seam is not positioned just right over his toe, he rips it off. I mean his feet can't be all that sensitive because he runs around barefoot on sidewalks, grass, even rocks and gravel and it doesn't bother him at all, but yet he can't stand the feel of socks, shoes or even sandals on his feet. Is this common? I hate it when he outgrows his shoes, because even though we have to go through our daily ritual of taking them on and off 10 times, they still get broken in to a good point that then once they are on, he is fine. I have had him breaking in his new shoes for a couple of weeks now, and he seemed to be ok with them, once we get them just right, but now with the way this afternoon went, I am wondering if they are?
Anyone go through this...what in the world do you do? I mean he has to wear shoes sometimes, how can I make it easier for him? Thanks all!!
Seamless socks:
Sam is also experiencing technical difficulties with his shoes and socks. It is like this every season we change footwear - he's the last kid out of snow boots Our para is understanding and allows him to go barefoot now and we'll build up his tolerance bit by bit. I'm going to have him wear them for 10 min while eating or watching tv .Maybe it'll help.
mama to Sam 8yrs PDD NOS OCD ODD PPD and Alex 2yr
Hayden used to have this problem last year but now seems to have diminished. You should get mason some of the seamless socks maisa posted. Theyll help him alot. Hayden also will tolerate clothing outside (usually anyway) but strip as soon as hes in the front door or at someones house indoors. Im going to try a brushing technique, can you do it to desensitize masons feet? Itl probably tickle too much tho O ya also I couldve sworn ive seen something that you can put in a shoe and stretch it out alittle to break it in. Im pretty sure theyve got something like that unless im delusional, which may be a possibility! Whew - I'm glad Jair's shoe-issue days are over. Maybe yours will end soon,I am ordering him a pair of those seamless socks to give that a try...wow are they expensive though, huh? But hey if they work, they are going to be worth every penny...I don't think our walmart carries them, I have checked in the past and never seen them, although I should check again.
I just keep trying to stay positive, keep telling myself tomorrow is a new day! On a positive note...he did have a good night at home!
Have you tried putting him in crocs? Or using gel inserts? Will he wear slippers? Has he ever tried shoes with no socks? Or sandals with socks?
Just brainstorming...
my son always takes his shoes and socks off, but he wears sandals easily. i just found out that he wears shoes without socks easily. i'm not so sure it would be a good idea to let him get used to wearing shoes without socks. he likes his nemo socks, so i'd try finding your son some socks with something he likes on them.Number one, why is it important to the teacher that he keep his shoes and socks on at school? This may be a relatively unimportant battle, and depending on the class setting, maybe it's an expectation she can drop in order to promote better learning in other areas.
At my son's school, the kids have a pair of shoes or slippers for indoor use, but my son always kicks his off. He leaves his socks on, though. When it comes down to it, if the floor is cold or wet, he's the one who has to live with the consequences, and those things frankly bother him less than shoes do.
My son doesn't appear to notice when socks are halfway off his feet or when his shoes are on the wrong foot, but we had HUGE problems with his snowboots one year. I think it was because the fur gave him light touch and/or the sole wasn't smooth (it got "pills").
I also hate shoe shopping!
Have you tried putting the socks on inside out? The inside part of the seam is raised, but on the outside it's flat and might not bother him. With some socks it's obvious that they're inside out, with other socks it would only be noticeable without shoes.
I've also heard that high-top shoes are harder to remove.
Good luck with everything.
i dread shoe and clothing shopping with my dsmy son is the opposite he hates his shoes or socks off he loves pressure so id say its because they feel firm, he falls asleep with them on at night and we sneek them off when he is asleep, even before i get out of bed in the morning i have to put them back on him, at child care the other day they took them off him while he was sleeping and they couldnt consol him for hours after, its funny how different they are!
I just posted a very long thread about Mason already struggling at school...well his spec. ed teacher just called and said that all afternoon Mason has been pulling his socks and shoes off.
So I'm wondering if one of his problems isn't this...he absolutely hates wearing socks and shoes...we have a "ritual" where I put his socks and shoes on and says they feel wrong, pulls them off and I start over...we go through this like 10 times before he finally feels comfortable enough to leave them on.
I buy socks that a little too small for him because if they bunch up inside the shoe AT ALL he rips them off. I also go on a hunt for the "perfect" shoe...it needs to be loose enough for him to comfortably get them on his feet, but tight enough not to allow for too much wiggle room, does that make sense, lol?
Do any of you go through this? Is there anything I can be doing to "desensitize" his feet? Do any of you know if they make socks that don't have seams by the toe...I know with Mason if that seam is not positioned just right over his toe, he rips it off. I mean his feet can't be all that sensitive because he runs around barefoot on sidewalks, grass, even rocks and gravel and it doesn't bother him at all, but yet he can't stand the feel of socks, shoes or even sandals on his feet. Is this common? I hate it when he outgrows his shoes, because even though we have to go through our daily ritual of taking them on and off 10 times, they still get broken in to a good point that then once they are on, he is fine. I have had him breaking in his new shoes for a couple of weeks now, and he seemed to be ok with them, once we get them just right, but now with the way this afternoon went, I am wondering if they are?
Anyone go through this...what in the world do you do? I mean he has to wear shoes sometimes, how can I make it easier for him? Thanks all!!
I have no idea...LOL...wish I did. I have this exact same problem with my younger son. My older son will wear shoes, but not socks. My younger son just refuses and it's a battle he's won. He is in ECSE and even after the teachers doing battle with him over it...he still won. He doesn't wear socks or shoes in school.Wish I could help but if it feels bad to them, they won't do it. These sensory issues are interesting, aren't they?Emerald....I can offer no assistance, just empathy.
Liam is hooked on his Thomas flip flops. They appear to be getting too small, but socks and sneaks are a direct invitation to a meltdown.
Evidently be wearing these same flips flops straight through the cold northeastern winter.
Please update us on the socks...I may invest as well.
What is it about the shoes that bother him? Can he express that? Is it that they are too loose and rub against his feet, or too tight on his toes? Do the shoes bother him when he is sitting down and wearing them, or more so when he is actually walking in them?
Have you tried putting him in crocs? Or using gel inserts? Will he wear slippers? Has he ever tried shoes with no socks? Or sandals with socks?
Just brainstorming...
Kristy...I don't know exactly what it is about the shoes that are bothering him...he can't express it except, "they feel wrong."
I've figured out over the years that he likes the more snug socks but then he doesn't like the seams touching his toes, I have to sit and adjust the seam "just right" over his toes. His shoes I don't know either...it's not the socks themselves, because no-he doesn't like sandals much either...we just go through this ritual of on and off but then all of a sudden he seems ok with them and he doesn't bring it up while we are out, unless of course they get bumped, then we start over from the beginning. But for the most part once they are on and we are out doing whatever, he is okay with them. Wierd huh? I have no idea what set him off at school yesterday and now I'm worried that this started it's going to be a problem. It was a problem last year when he would have to wear boots and then put his shoes on...but it was more of a problem that the teacher felt he needed to put his shoes on himself because he would do his "ritual" with her and she said she didn't have the time to be adjusting Mason's shoes for 20 minutes...but again once he was settled, he was ok the rest of the time. So I guess I'll just have to hope this isn't going to become a consistent thing at school and just keep working at home to find the right thing to help him cope with the putting the shoes on.
Again thanks for all the help!! Oh and norway...I'll try the inside out thing, that makes sense to me, but he might be "wierd" about the look of them...maybe he won't notice, lol. I'll keep you all posted if I find something that works.
Sending some more sympathy your way! My guy has been wearing the same type of socks (this type of Hanes) and the same model of shoes from Stride Rite since he was a toddler. Finally this summer he announced he wanted some other type of shoes, but they are bugging him. Some days I have to take his socks on and off about 10 times before they are "right." This seems to be a pretty common problem (getting the shoes on, and leaving them on) in our circle. He used to take off all his clothes all the time, too, but that at least has been decreasing!
My dd is 2.5 and she always ripping off her shoes and socks. Loves to be barefoot which would be ok for me (she gets at home therapy) but I've noticed that when she is barefoot she toe walks. The toe walking stops when I put her shoes on, but then she rips them off. I did find a pair of pink suede boots that zip up the back and she can't manipulate the zipper to get them off. I guess she'll look real cute come summer wearing a bikini and pink suede boots.