No Kissing/Repeating words | Autism PDD


For the past month or so instead of giving me kisses hes been pushing his forhead into my face when I ask for a kiss and Ive suffered from what feels like a broken nose many times in the beginning. Is this normal? Any one else children do this before and go back to kissing again?

Also the past week and a half or so hes been repeating his words like if he says 'I want alot' hel say the word alot at LEAST 6 or so times. Or if he says somethings big hel say the word big over and over. Sometimes he goes on for so long it seems like maybe its something he cant control? It just seems weird and not normal because sometimes hel pause for breath and continue and his eyes look kinda darty like he has to say it if that makes sense! If I say Ok i know you want alot. Hel ignore me and continue it or get mad at me.

Has any of your kids done this before?

Those are the only kisses I ever get!

My son has never given me a kiss. He head bangs me though.

When I kiss him, he turns away from me so it's not on his lips, but on his forhead or cheek. He doesn't really even respond much to affection.

Hi Nikki,

My son does the forehead thing too.  I've gotten bashed in the nose more times than I can remember.  I always say, "well that was kind of nice, but I want a real one right here on my cheek."  Only then will he kiss my cheek.  The only time that this doesn't happen is when he wants something or he has done something wrong, and doesn't want me to find out.  Then he's all "where's my sweet mom? I want to give her a smoochie" , and goes right for the cheek. 


My son gives the forehead too. He also use to repeat things alot like I am a
boy over and over again but now that he is six he still does it but not as
much. We still get forehead kisses until we say I want a real kiss and then he
will give us a real kiss but he is not so happy about it.

Wow I guess its pretty common then! So this isnt anything to worry about then even if he used to always give me kisses no problem? He was never big on kissing other people (his dad, other family members) but loved giving me kisses so I guess hes just decided he dosnt like them period? That sucks

Tiffany, they sure do know how to get what they want sometimes!

Thanks for sharing everyone

About the repeating of words...I'm not sure, could it just be some sort of echolalia...does he use echolalia at other times?  Or I wonder if there is such a thing as a verbal tic?  I'm just trying to brainstorm here.  Hopefully someone else will know something about this. 

You know if I'm remembering correctly I really think around 4 years old was when my older boys started to learn their independence.  It might be a good thing, he might just be thinking "I'm a big boy now!"  As hard as it is for us Mommy's to let that happen. 

Thanks about his gets this really nice shade of blonde in the summer from all the sun.  I'll have to show a picture in mid winter, it gets pretty brown then!  He has my hair, it used to do that, but it seemed every year as I got older it just stayed a little darker.

We dont get the head bashing or kisses but I can definitely relate on the repeating of small phrases.  J will repeatedly say a phrase until its repeated back to him in the same way.  He also gets stuck on the first letter of words beginning with "N" and drags the letter out.

I've seen the forehead thing a little at our house, but luckily it's gentle.  I imagine that it's probably sensory.  Either oral defensiveness, or seeking out the tactile/pressure against the forehead.

As far as the repeating goes, both my kids have a "developmental disfluency."  It's pretty normal for little kids to not speak fluently, but since ASD kids often have a language delay, it lasts a little longer.

My kids repeat short words and word endings, and it can come in the beginning, middle or end of a sentence, but in all cases it's because their language can't keep up with their brain.

Beginning:  We see this most when they're asked a question, and they start their answer by repeating a word while they struggle to express their thoughts.

Middle:  They repeat a word while they're thinking about which word or clause they want to say next.

End:  They repeat a word when they're not sure if they're done talking (quieter and quieter each time the word is repeated, fading).  They also repeat a word if they're not sure where they want to go with the next sentence.

I can't say for sure if your son's repeating is a "disfluency" -- it could well be a form of echolalia.  Good luck figuring these things out.


Thats so cute Niki

onlinedizzy, They sound so adorable, im glad ther kissing now 

Thanks everyone, one last question if he keeps doing this is this something I should be concerned about since he never did it before? I have noticed he isnt so attached to me and dosnt rarely come to me to hold him (which he did ALL the time and hasnt stimmed on me for awhile), has recently started sleeping in his own bed (which is a good thing) but seems totally fine with being seperated, and often tells me to leave him alone. I dont think im nagging him at all either!Anyway, thanks everyone!

Niki- I know what you mean some days its too much of a good thing lol My hubbys hair used to do that when he worked roofing but not anymore

Jsmom, haydens sometimes drags the ending of words and sounds like a dragging tape player, i figured it was cuz he got stuck on it somehow and sometimes it more than usual.

Norwaymom, It could be that, altho he has good speech and everyone tells us his vocab. is so huge and thats why hes Aspergers so I dont know. Could be tho he does have problems with receptive speech so I guess his speech isnt really 100% Hes is yelling really loudly tho when hes repeating these words like i wont get what he means if he dosnt or something.  O and the theory of seeking out pressure I think is a possibility because hes been hugging us really hard and squishing his faces into our faces (aside from forhead kissing) really hard where im afraid itl bruise and he loves crashing into our furniture one of his favorite pastimes.

Thanks everybody so much

With the repeating. Sometimes, if I repeat the word it ends, other times he will repeat over and over, and almost doesn't seem to realize he's doing it. I'll tell him his words "are stuck". or "you're stuck" and he'll, stop, think about it and repeat "stuck" and then it ends. Not sure what that is.
